Monday, July 19, 2010

Day 4 - Appearance at the National Office for Feeding America in downtown Chicago!!!

Please click the link below to see one of the pieces I filmed (my mom was taping while they were)

YouTube - Dedria Brunett - Miss Teen California Intl 2010 - National office for Feeding America - Chicago

Today has got to have been the best day yet. My mom, papa, and I were at the Metra to board the train by 8:30 this morning. It was so much fun riding to Union Station and visiting with all the passengers. Everyone was so nice and helpful. Once at the station we took a cab to the Feeding America office and to our surprise they were filming Transformers 3 right across the street! We even got to watch a few scenes being shot before we went to our meeting. Once in the building we were directed to the 20th floor where we were greeted by the Communication Specialist ,Nola Akiwowo, and the Director of Donor Outreach, Rose Dalba. These two ladies were so gracious. After Nola taped the piece on my story of being a homeless child and growing up without food, Rose took us on a tour of the office where we met some of the sweetest people. I want to thank Stephanie, Tracy, Sonja, and Paula for each of your kind words and taking a picture with me. After our tour of the building I shot another piece for their "30 Ways in 30 Days" Hunger Action Program. I pledged to do my best in any and every way I can to help spread awareness on starving children and adults in America. Thank you Rose, Nola, and all of the staff at the Feeding America National office for having me today it was a true honor. What each and everyone of you are doing is beyond words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

We ended our day by walking a bit in the city where I found my nickname "Dee" carved into the cement. I just had to take a picture. We then caught a cab back to Union Station where I met many nice people along the way, one of which was a gentleman that was homeless at one time. We shared our stories with one another and I can not tell you how inspirational he was to me. It is really amazing how I seem to cross paths with individuals who despite their circumstance stay positive. They have chosen to embrace their past and make a difference rather than become a heart is warmed.

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